Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Mississauga landlord ordered to pay tenant $2,172.81 for threatening bodily harm.
LTB dismisses landlords' N12 application to evict long-term tenant, finding insufficient evidence of intent to occupy unit for at least one year.
Tenants awarded over $8,900 after LTB finds landlords acted in bad faith when issuing N12 notice.
Landlord awarded $13,231.40 in Kleinburg rent dispute after tenant fails to pay rent and vacates unit.
Landlord granted conditional order against tenant for unauthorized use of common area and alleged property damage in Chelmsford rental dispute.
Kitchener tenant faces eviction and $32,762.21 bill after fire caused by careless smoking.
Mississauga landlord ordered to pay tenant $2,172.81 for threatening bodily harm.
LTB dismisses landlords' N12 application to evict long-term tenant, finding insufficient evidence of intent to occupy unit for at least one year.
Tenants awarded over $8,900 after LTB finds landlords acted in bad faith when issuing N12 notice.
Landlord awarded $13,231.40 in Kleinburg rent dispute after tenant fails to pay rent and vacates unit.
Landlord granted conditional order against tenant for unauthorized use of common area and alleged property damage in Chelmsford rental dispute.
Kitchener tenant faces eviction and $32,762.21 bill after fire caused by careless smoking.
Mississauga landlord ordered to pay tenant $2,172.81 for threatening bodily harm.
LTB dismisses landlords' N12 application to evict long-term tenant, finding insufficient evidence of intent to occupy unit for at least one year.
Tenants awarded over $8,900 after LTB finds landlords acted in bad faith when issuing N12 notice.
Landlord awarded $13,231.40 in Kleinburg rent dispute after tenant fails to pay rent and vacates unit.
Landlord granted conditional order against tenant for unauthorized use of common area and alleged property damage in Chelmsford rental dispute.
Kitchener tenant faces eviction and $32,762.21 bill after fire caused by careless smoking.
Mississauga landlord ordered to pay tenant $2,172.81 for threatening bodily harm.
LTB dismisses landlords' N12 application to evict long-term tenant, finding insufficient evidence of intent to occupy unit for at least one year.
Tenants awarded over $8,900 after LTB finds landlords acted in bad faith when issuing N12 notice.
Landlord awarded $13,231.40 in Kleinburg rent dispute after tenant fails to pay rent and vacates unit.
Landlord granted conditional order against tenant for unauthorized use of common area and alleged property damage in Chelmsford rental dispute.
Kitchener tenant faces eviction and $32,762.21 bill after fire caused by careless smoking.
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Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 40%
Landlord Win Rate: 75%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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